Justrum Animae Byrd
Jesus bleibet meine Freude
Jesu dulcis memoria


Justorum animae stanford
Jesu The Very Thought Of Thee


Come Holy Ghost
Ave verum corpus Saint-Saens
The day draws on Bairstow
Hear my prayer,O Lord Purcell
Virga Jesse Bruckner
Salvator mundi Palestrina
Panis angelicus Frank
Never weather beaten sail
Though I speak with the tongues of men
Round me falls the night
O quam gloriosum Victoria
Mozart Requiem KV626
Let us now praise famous men
Come down O Love divine
Almighty God, which hast me brought
落 葉 松
Adoramus te Christe Palestrina oxford
My eyes for beauty
O Crux Ave Dubra
It is well with my soul
Crux Fidelis




Blessed be the God Wesley
AveVerumCorpus Peasall
Ave Maria Busto
Make Ye Joy To God
O Lord support us Besley
If ye love me
Come ye faithful


Sacerdotes Domini


Cherubim Song

Bogoroditse Devo Rachmaninov
Ave Maria Poulenc
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem Stanford
Thou Lord our refuge Mendelssohn
Proper for Ascension Day
Schicksalslied Brahms
O lord increase my faith gibbons
Holy is the true light
God be in my head Wilby
Cantate Domino Miskinis


Turn back o man
Proper for Easter day
O Lord increase our faith Loosemore
Hör mein Bitten
God so loved the world Goss
Cantate Domino Hassler
The peace of god Rutter
O how amiable
My shepherd is Lord
Lo round the throne a glorious band
Ave verum corpus Busto
Ave Maria Victoria
Morgenlied Op.69-1 Rheinberger
Tantum ergo Bruckner
Beati Quorum Via Stanford
The Souls of the Righteous Marchant
Selig sind die Toten Schutz


O lord the maker of all things
Hymne Op69-2 Rheinberger
Good King Wenceslas
Glorious and Powerful God Stanford
O Sacrum Convivium

軽井沢合宿 2018

A Hymn to the Virgin Britten
O Lord, my God Wesley
Jubilate Deo

Public link

鴨川春合宿 2018

軽井沢合宿 2016

Abendlied Rheinberger
My soul there is a country


O saviour of the world Somervell
Jesu lead my footsteps
Justorum animae Lassus
Christmas Carol
Behold, the Tabernacle of God - Harris




Locus iste Bruckner

Cantique de Jean Racine

A Gaelic Blessing Rutter
軽井沢合宿 2019
軽井沢合宿 2017


岡谷春合宿 2017

小さな空 武満徹
Afferentur regi Bruckner
Marys Magnificat
O holy spirit lord of grace
Os justi Bruckner
Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
Geistliches Lied Brahms
Greater Love Hath No Man Ireland
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
O Magnum Mysterium Victoria
Is it nothing to you Ouseley
God so loved the World Chilcott
Lord,for thy tender mercy's sake
Turn thy face from my sins
Cherubini Requiem C-moll
A Palm Sunday Antiphon
島へ 武満徹
At Bedtime Tchaikovsky
If we believe Goss
Blessed is he that considereth
Surexit Christus Hodie Scheidt
Zum Abendsegen Mendelssohn
Proper for WhitsunDay
Hosanna to the son of David Weelkes
God So Loved The World Stainer
Circundederunt me Morales
O quam gloriosum Victoria
The Lamentations of Jeremiah Tallis
Lord I Trust Thee Handel
Coelos Ascendit Hodie Stanford
Ave Maria Bruckner

甲府春合宿 2019

翼  武満徹
Ave Maria Mendelssohn
Matthäus Passion 62
God is a spirit
Comfort,O Lord,The soul of thy servant
By the waters of Babylon
Awake thou wintry earth
This Joyful Eastertide
Proper for Christmas day
So they gave their bodies
Oh That I Knew Bennett
God be in my head Rutter
Crucifixus Lotti
Antiphon Moore
Turn Thee again,O lord Attwood
Proper for Trinity sunday


Solus ad Victimam
O Saviour of the world Palestrina
Haec dies Arcadelt
God be in my head Davies
Christus factus est Anerio
Lead me,Lord

Pater Noster Verdi
Prado verde y florido Guerrero
Christmas Caroling
Ave Verum Corpus Mozart
Wash me throughly Wesley
Thou Knowest,Load
Surgens Jesus Philips
Praise to thee Lord Jesus
Hear Lord make haste to help us
Esta tierra Busto
O Lorde the maker of al thing Joubert

I waited for the Lord Mendelssohn

Magnificat B flat Stanford
Let all mortal flesh Bairstow
Thou visitest the earth
Dixit Maria Hassler
Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate
Sicut cervus
Panis angelicus Saint-Saens.
Nänie Brahms
The secret of Christ
Remember not Lord our offences Purcell
Oculi omnium
Ein deutsches Requiem


Cantate Domino Pitoni
Vexilla regis Bruckner
Timor et tremor
Super flumina Babylonis Lassus
O saviour of the world Goss
Northern Lights Gjeilo
Haec dies Byrd
Expectans expectavi Lassus


Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
O taste and see
Tristis est anima mea Haydn
O come let us sing unto the Lord
How brightly beams the morning star
Call to remembrance Farrant

Ave verum corpus Poulenc


Versa est in luctum Lobo
This is the record of John
Set me as a seal upon thine heart
Salvator mundi Tallis
Pange ingua Bruckner
Pater Noster Handl
O gladsome light,O grace

When to the temple Mary went

King of glory King of peace
Holy,Holy,Holy Schubert
Evening Hymn Gardiner
Exultate Deo Palestrina
Te Deum In B Flat Stanford
I heard a voice from heaven
Rejoice in the Lord alway
O thou the central orb


In Paradisum Faure
Adoramus te,Christe Palestrina
The strife is o'er
Salve regina Poulenc
Pray that Jerusalem
Holy,Holy,Holy Tchaikovsky
Exsultate Deo Scarlatti
Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël Poulenc

O Magnum Mysterium Lauridsen
Let thy merciful ears Mudd
Ave Verum Corpus Byrd
Ave Generosa Gjeilo
Mendelssohn op23-1
Tantum Ergo Durufle
Super Flumina Babilonis Palestrina
Panis angelicus Palestrina
Nolo mortem peccatoris Morley
Thou judge of quick and dead Wesley


Daughters of Zion
Almighty and everlasting God
Aurora lucis rutilat Lassus
Drop,Drop,slow tears
Christus factus est Bruckner
The Cherubic Hymn op41 Tchaikovsky
Above all praise Mendelssohn
Ave Maria Verdi
Ave verum corpus Elgar
Where Thou reignest
Te lucis ante terminum
When Jesus our Lord
Salve Regina Mathias
O Load,my God,to thee
Hide not thou thy face Farrant


Fauré Requiem


Cantate Domino Monteverdi